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University Cooperative Housing Association

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to providing transformative and affordable student housing

Home: Welcome

Our mission at UCHA

Our purpose is to provide affordable, quality housing to the UCLA academic community, emphasizing the social welfare of members before profit.  Further goals include the education of members, staff, and community about co-operativism, the exemplification of democratic, non-sectarian, non-discriminatory living, and further expansion of membership and facilities whenever prudent.

Ucha members in front of the hollywood sign - Photo: Antoine Seegmuller

Antoine Seegmuller

Three buildings >> one Co-op

UCHA owns three buildings, two are side by side and the third one across the street, with a total housing capacity of over 400 students.


Hardman Hansen Hall

The largest of the three. It houses most of the facilities including the offices, cafeteria, gym, and the computer room.

Essene Hall

Next to Hardman Hansen, all the rooms in Essene are triples, most of which have a private bath.

Robison Hall

Across the street, facing Hardman Hansen, Robison was designed by the Bauhaus architect Richard Neutra, and is designated as a cultural landmark by the city of Los Angeles.

University Cooperative Housing Association 

"The Co-op"

500 Landfair Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90024
United States

© 2023 by University Cooperative Housing Association

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